Latest News

What’s new: If you are traveling for the holiday by train, boat, or plane, please review and follow the Covid-19 health policy prior to returning to school in January. Thank you.

What’s new: This month we are working with non-profits in our area to collect pet supplies. All items will be distributed to families with pets that need a little help. The goal is to keep pets with their children and families. Donations of pet food, bowls, toys leashes, and coats are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kindness.

What’s new: we are collecting personal care items to be used in compassion kits to be given to those less fortunate in our area. items needed are toothbrushes, toothpaste, masks, lotion, soap, small packages of tissues, hand sanitizer. Thank you for helping others.

We will continue to follow current Covid-19, recommendations, guidelines, and mandates to keep all children, families, and staff safe.